Inverted Mirror Art 🇺🇦

Channel's geo and language: Ukraine, Ukrainian
Category: Art

Yes, it's real.
Magic is just behind, it's embracing your shadow, it's kissing your neck.
But only you decide what it looks like. An illusionary nectarean dream or a decaying nightmare.
It comes from your reflection.
Admin/По всім питанням - @LiluAmber

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Ukraine, Ukrainian
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Forward from: Cheese'n'Sharks #УкрТґ
Добраніч усім!

Forward from: thelatestkate

Moth number 7 ✨️


I love you guys ❤️

I hope you my readers still have a wonderful time.
Tomorrow won't be better. But it will be different.

A few years ago I created this channel to spread meaning through art.
Sharing metaphorical pics that would provoke the train of thoughts and create a feeling of cause-effect.
Making one post the continuation of another, sharing the mystery of meanings life had.

But after pursuing a bunch of delusional dreams and setting unachievable goals that didn’t depend on my efforts but rather on "divine circumstances", I came to thought that life is actually completely pointless. It's rather absurd and ironical, and shouldn't be taken seriously at all.

So to say, I've created this channel to show you the meaning that each person chooses for themselves. But now I feel like what I have been fighting for is dead.
I am still alive though, completely meaningless and lost.

It could be worse. But it also could be so much better and I keep imagining vividly what kind of life it could have been.

І це номер 3 і 4 у моєму челенджі із 110 метеликами 💜


#huggly by bijoukittyshop

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Curious Young Barn Owls - July 2009 North Norfolk by Richard Brooks

Скульптор Evrard Flignot, сумуючий по своїй загиблій дружині, збудував мавзолей на її честь на кладовищі Cimetière de Laeken.

На перший погляд здається, що фігура торкається пустої стіни.

Але раз на рік, у день літнього сонцестояння, сонце малює серце на мармурі, вже сторіччя нагадуючи про незгасаючий промінь кохання скульптора.

#dreamscapes by Simon Thielen

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#echoes #dreamscapes

Barn owl #friends

Forward from: Cheese'n'Sharks #УкрТґ
#Art #Cute #Racoon #Autumn

Mother of Pearl - Мати жемчужина - Protogoniomorpha parhassus
Один з найкрасивіших метеликів у світі ✨️
Доступна для замовлення @LiluAmber ❤️

Mother of Pearl - Protogoniomorpha parhassus
One of the most beautiful butterflies in the world ✨️
You can buy it from @LiluAmber


18 last posts shown.