Typical Frontend

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Category: Technologies

News and events from the World of Frontend and around it. Tools and useful materials on everything that may be of interest to a frontend developer as well.
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Frontend Weekly Digest #25

• Exploring The Potential Of Web Workers For Multithreading On The Web
• Accessible HTML Video “Facades”
• UI Interactions & Animations Roundup #31

• Sniper-CSS, avoid unused styles.
• syntax.fm: Can Vanilla CSS Replace Sass Yet?
• Circular Text with CSS?
• CSS Custom Properties Beyond the :root
• Creating Accordions with just HTML and CSS
• How to write type-safe CSS Modules
• Creating responsive mobile layouts with Pure.css
• Engage Your Users: How to Create an Eye-catching Scroll Page Progress Bar with CSS
• Understanding CSS Min(), Max(), and Clamp() Functions

• Deep Copying Objects with the StructuredClone API
• Best Practices for Async Programming in JavaScript
• How Has JavaScript Changed in the Last Few Years?
• 6 Secrets about “null” and “undefined” that You Should Know
• What’s new in ECMAScript 2023
• kv.js — Advanced in-memory caching module for JavaScript.

• How to Write Comments in React: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly
• Signals: Fine-grained Reactivity for JavaScript Frameworks
• Step by step: Toggling Elements using React Hooks
 Mastering ReactJS optimization
• Build customized data tables with PrimeReact

• How to Use Attribute Inheritance in Vue 3
• Micro-Frontend Migration Approaches: from Nuxt 2 to Nuxt 3

• Crafting a Resizable Sidenav in Angular
• New way of passing data to dynamically created components (New Feature 🎉)
• Getting Started with a New Angular Project in 2023
• The story behind Angular Signals!

Frontend Weekly Digest #22

• Push notifications are now supported cross-browser
• Jumping HTML tags. Another reason to validate your markup
• Fighting inter-component HTML bloat

• Sass and Native Nesting
• Hiding empty elements with CSS :empty and :has()
• How to use Google Fonts and font-display
• Preventing too-short final lines of text blocks
• Checkered background using two lines of code in CSS
• CSS Masking
• Improving CSS Shapes with Trigonometric Functions
• Position your element with CSS inset logical property

• Mastering the JavaScript switch Statement
• JavaScript import maps are now supported cross-browser
• As a Front-End Engineer: The Magic Behind “Event Emitter” in JavaScript That You Should Know About

• The End of an Era: React Team Says Goodbye to Create React App
• How to Measure and Improve the Performance of a React App
• Micro Frontends in React: A Practical Guide
• Stop Using useMemo Now!
• Building a Custom Fetch Hook in React
• 🔥 Best Practices of Render Props Pattern: Improve React Performance and More PART 1️⃣

• Vue.js Tutorial: Getting Started & 10 Best Practices
• How to add dynamic styling and class names in Vue.js
• How to build a real-time Vue app with WebSockets

• Angular Signals — Taking Reactivity to New Heights 🚀
• How I Failed an Angular Developer Interview by Failing to Answer this Simple Question
• Angular Signals in a Nutshell
• Angular v16 signals, everything old is new again

20 last posts shown.


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