Forward from: 🇬🇧 Telemetrio - Analytics of Telegram Channels
👀 Advertisers Ranking
A tool for detailed analysis of brands advertising on Telegram across all countries worldwide.
"Advertisers Ranking" allows you to:
🔍 Search for advertisers by category: Find brands in various industries and analyze their activity.
📊 Explore specific channels: A list of advertisers that have placed their ads in a specific channel.
📂 View advertising posts: For each advertiser, you can access a database of their ads along with a list of channels where their ads were placed.
Check out Advertisers Ranking on Telemetrio and discover how both global and local brands advertise on Telegram!
A tool for detailed analysis of brands advertising on Telegram across all countries worldwide.
"Advertisers Ranking" allows you to:
🔍 Search for advertisers by category: Find brands in various industries and analyze their activity.
📊 Explore specific channels: A list of advertisers that have placed their ads in a specific channel.
📂 View advertising posts: For each advertiser, you can access a database of their ads along with a list of channels where their ads were placed.
Check out Advertisers Ranking on Telemetrio and discover how both global and local brands advertise on Telegram!