🐷🚫Just weeks ago, the Luhansk version of Russia's Channel 1💩, broadcasting in the occupied territories, blurred out a couple black-yellow-white Russian Empire flags that were displayed in the background alongside other flags (including a Soviet-era flag) that were not blurred. The outlet was visiting the occupier's military positions in Ukraine for a report.
Needless to say, a few Zigger channels expressed outage over this censorship. The following quote below, taken from a Wagnerite 🚫 channel run by a Serbian supporter:
First they removed churches from the ruble, and now the flags of the empire are under censorship... SHAME!
And on official uploads of the "report", the
comments were
overwhelmingly negative, resulting in the channel getting ratio'd as a result.
Even though the Zigger world claims to be proud of the Russian Empire and others claim that today's Russia is a "continuation" of it, it appears that one of their main propaganda channels decided that "We're [ethnically] Russian, God is with us" was "hate speech".
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