My Medical English UMSA

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Toifa: Tibbiyot

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Ukraina, Ukraincha
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Last, but not least - the hypodermis!

📌The hypodermis, also known as the subcutaneous layer or superficial fascia, is the deepest layer of the skin located beneath the dermis. While not technically part of the skin, the hypodermis is closely associated with it and serves important functions.

Composed primarily of adipose (fat) tissue and connective tissue, the hypodermis plays several vital roles in maintaining overall health and function:

⚡️Thermal Modulation: The hypodermis acts as a thermoregulatory agent by virtue of its adipose-rich composition, providing an insulating layer that mitigates thermal flux. This adipose insulation is instrumental in attenuating heat dissipation and fortifying the body against thermal challenges.

⚡️Metabolic Reservoir: Adipose tissue within the hypodermis serves as a preeminent reservoir for energy storage. Its capacity to amass surplus caloric resources in the form of triglycerides renders the hypodermis a dynamic source for mobilizable energy during heightened metabolic demands.

⚡️Dermo-Cushioning: Functioning as a dermal cushion, the hypodermis confers mechanical resilience, shielding against external forces and mitigating the impact of physical trauma. This protective attribute extends to safeguarding internal organs and structures from potential injury.

📷source: Giovanni Rimasti

Question: How does the dermis contribute to thermoregulation?
  •   A) Through the production of sweat
  •   B) By housing sebaceous glands
  •   C) Dilation or constriction of blood vessels
  •   D) Formation of dermal papillae
12 ta ovoz

Question: What is the main role of the reticular dermis in the skin?
  •   A) Nutrient exchange
  •   B) Structural support and elasticity
  •   C) Formation of fingerprints
  •   D) Temperature regulation
11 ta ovoz

👀Question: Which layer of the dermis is directly beneath the epidermis and contains dermal papillae responsible for forming fingerprints?
  •   A) Reticular Dermis
  •   B) Subcutaneous Layer
  •   C) Papillary Dermis
  •   D) Hypodermis
11 ta ovoz

Let’s carry on! Today we will revise dermis!

📌The dermis is the second layer of the skin, situated beneath the epidermis. It is a connective tissue layer that plays a crucial role in supporting and nourishing the epidermis. The dermis is composed of two main regions:

⚡️Papillary Dermis: This is the superficial layer of the dermis, directly beneath the epidermis. It contains dermal papillae, small projections that interlock with the epidermal ridges, forming the fingerprints. The papillary dermis is rich in blood vessels, aiding in nutrient exchange and temperature regulation.

⚡️Reticular Dermis: Deeper and thicker than the papillary dermis, the reticular dermis provides strength and elasticity to the skin. It contains collagen and elastic fibers, which contribute to the skin's structural integrity. Additionally, the reticular dermis houses various structures, including sweat glands, hair follicles, sebaceous glands, nerves, and blood vessels.

Functions of the dermis:

Structural Support: Provides strength and elasticity to the skin.
Nutrient Supply: Nourishes the epidermis through blood vessels, supporting cell growth and repair.
Temperature Regulation: Blood vessels in the dermis can dilate or constrict to control heat loss or retention.
Sensory Perception: Rich nerve supply allows for the perception of touch, pressure, pain, and temperature.

📎 source: Rook's Textbook of Dermatology, 4 Volume Set, 9th Edition

Question: Which layer of the skin is responsible for producing new skin cells through cell division and contains melanocytes for melanin production?
  •   A) Stratum Spinosum
  •   B) Stratum Granulosum
  •   C) Stratum Basale
  •   D) Stratum Lucidum
19 ta ovoz


It’s high time we revised the anatomy of the human body!
Let’s start with the largest organ – skin!

The three layers of the skin, from superficial to deep, include:

📌 epidermis
📌 dermis
📌 hypodermis

Let’s focus on epidermis first:

📌The epidermis is the outermost layer of the skin, providing a protective barrier against external factors. It is a stratified epithelium composed of several layers, each with distinct functions. These layers include:

⚡️Stratum Basale (Basal Layer): The innermost layer constantly produces new skin cells through cell division. Melanocytes, responsible for melanin production, are also present in this layer.

⚡️Stratum Spinosum: 2nd layer, comprises 8-10 keratinocyte cell layers which can no longer divide. Keratinocytes are connected by desmosomes, providing strength and flexibility to the skin.

⚡️Stratum Granulosum: 3rd layer, where keratinocytes begin to flatten and lose their nuclei (process called keratinization). The stratum granulosum plays a crucial role in lipid production, contributing to skin hydration.

⚡️Stratum Lucidum: Found in areas of thick skin, such as the palms and soles, the stratum lucidum is a translucent layer composed of flattened, clear, and densely packed keratinocytes. It enhances the skin's resilience in regions subjected to mechanical stress.

⚡️Stratum Corneum: The outermost layer, consists of dead skin cells (keratinocytes) that have undergone keratinization. This layer forms a protective barrier, preventing water loss and external threats.

📎 source: Rook's Textbook of Dermatology, 4 Volume Set, 9th Edition

Happy International Women's Day! 🌷У цей прекрасний день, ми хочемо привітати наших читачів та дізнатись більше про вас💗На якому курсі ви навчаєтесь? А також пишіть у коментарі, якою спеціальністю цікавитесь👩🏻‍⚕️👨🏽‍⚕️
  •   1
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  •   лікар/ка-інтерн/ка
  •   лікар/ка
40 ta ovoz

MME Vocabulary (1).pdf
📎 File with tests, explanations and vocabulary on this topic!

The correct answer is B ✅
You should know the boundaries of the femoral triangle: the inguinal ligament above, the medial border of the sartorius laterally, and the medial border of the adductor longus on the inner aspect of the thigh.

(A, C, and D) The gracilis muscle runs roughly parallel to the adductor longus but is not usually considered part of the triangle.

(C and E) The pectineus muscle is found on the floor of the femoral triangle.

📎Source: USMLE Step 1 Qbook by Kaplan Medical

📷Source: Henry Gray (1918) Anatomy of the Human Body, plate 430

The femoral triangle is bounded superiorly by the inguinal ligament. Which of the following structures form the lateral and medial borders of the femoral triangle?

(A) Adductor longus and gracilis
(B) Adductor longus and sartorius
(C) Gracilis and pectineus
(D) Gracilis and sartorius
(F) Pectineus and sartorius

📎Source: USMLE Step 1 Qbook by Kaplan Medical

bound - звʼязаний
triangle - трикутник

The correct answer is D✅
The serratus anterior plays a major role in holding the scapula against the body wall. If paralyzed, the primary clinical sign is "winging" of the scapula, especially when raising the arm or pushing the body away from a wall.

(A) The levator scapulae elevates the scapula. It is not involved in holding the scapula against the body wall.

(B) Although the pectoralis minor has a scapular from attachment (to the coracoid process), it is not involved in holding the scapula against the body wall.

(C) The rhomboid major primarily retracts the scapula. It does not have an important role in holding the scapula against the body wall.

(E) Although the supraspinatus plays a role in arm abduction, it is essential to the initiation of this movement before there is significant rotation of the scapula. It is not involved in holding the scapula against the body wall.

📎Source: USMLE Step 1 Qbook by Kaplan Medical

📷Source: Henry Gray (1918) Anatomy of the Human Body, plate 392

A 34-year-old man is examined in the prison infirmary after sustaining a superficial stab wound to the superolateral aspect of the thoracic wall at the level of the third rib. There is little bleeding and no difficulty breathing: however, the medial border of the scapula on the injured side pulls away from the body wall when the arm is raised. In addition, the arm cannot be abducted above the horizontal. Which of the following muscles is paralyzed?

(A) Levator scapulae
(B) Pectoralis minor
(C) Rhomboid major
(D) Serratus anterior
(E) Supraspinatus

📎Source: USMLE Step 1 Qbook by Kaplan Medical

stab wound - колота рана
to raise (v) - підняти

The correct answer is E. ✅
This is the classic presentation of a psoas abscess. This clinical entity was formerly a fairly common complication of vertebral tuberculosis, but is now rare in clinical practice in this country. The psoas muscle is covered by a fibrous sheath known as the psoas fascia. This sheath is open superiorly, permitting an infection involving the soft tissues around the spine to enter the sheath, then track down to the groin.

(A) The adductor longus is a muscle of the medial thigh and is not related to the lumbar portion of the back.

(B) The gluteus maximus, (C) Gluteus minimus and (D) piriformis are muscles of the buttock with no relationship to the groin.

📎Source: USMLE Step 1 Qbook by Kaplan Medical

📷Source: Henry Gray (1918) Anatomy of the Human Body, plate 430

A 49-year-old Vietnamese man is diagnosed with tuberculosis. On physical examination, large flocculent masses are noted over the lateral lumbar back, and a similar mass is located in the ipsilateral groin. This pattern of involvement strongly suggests an abscess tracking along which of the following muscles?

(A) Adductor longus
(B) Gluteus maximus
(C) Gluteus minimus
(D) Piriformis
(E) Psoas major

📎Source:USMLE Step 1 Qbook by Kaplan Medical

examination(n) - огляд
groin - пахова ділянка

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MME Vocabulary.pdf
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