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The Jetpack Compose team is hiring in London! If you'd like to join us, see


Oh well, too bad I have no degree or algo/perf experience, only формошлёпство and покраска кнопок for last two years 😦

1 dan repost

зажигалка это теперь elite hacking tool

Whoa, such an interesting story behind .rs and .me domain zones, as well as drama arising over .io

plus two interesting precedents with double ccTLD owning, the good .uk/.gb and the bad .ru/.su one

1:17:42 yooo, I’m in there!!

minding my business appearing from right side in a red plaid shirt on the background ahaha

It just finished and they uploaded a whole bunch of talks, some are in english too!

it was also spotted on japanese twitter by a guy from today

and so I decided to check what kind of stuff he has on his en account... to my surprise I found that he is posing there a lot about development progress of an app for their (DroidKaigi) conference, and oh my it's great! (even better than kotlinconf one)

(they even have separate KMP app for each year starting from 2019 😮)

apparently it wasn't suppose to be found yet...
waiting for an official announcement on Monday!

Speaking of kotlin-inject by Evant

We just got an Anvil extension for it from Amazon, and the same guys that have built Anvil for Dagger 😍

Come and check it out: (source)

Алиса копается dan repost

Последний месяц я занималась оптимизацией serde_json. Подумала, что почитать про мой опыт может быть интересно: одно дело код, другое — мыслительные процессы, backstory и прикольные трюки и подвохи, которые просто так кодом не опишешь. Я часто нахожу интересное на; решила попробовать написать что-то в том же стиле.

job market analysis?
companies finances?
tech degradation?
all included

20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.