Do you know how to effectively steal some money form the budget? The only thing you need is to invent a beautiful name, for example, for old Soviet ammunition.
Since summer 2022, a lot of effort has been made to sill a bill of trash to the AFU,
which has been given a beautiful name Malyuk, a.c.a. Malysh in Russian or baby in English. the idea is to fix an old Soviet mortar shell to a Chinese agricultural drone…
And now we’re telling you something surprising. Earlier the idea was suggested by volunteers. And now you, our esteemed followers, are going to be astounded. As far back as in 2022! But they were fools and so they were sent off along the road to never come back.
Two years after, the same idea was presented to our respected Defense Minister Umerov by no less esteemed people. And the price of an item became so very high…
But we know how to steal money beatifically, right, Umerov? Do you realize that we’re aware of all your deals? Well, we know that all our posts are printed out and given to you!