The Agenda Replaces ReligionAccording to a survey by the German
Institute for Social Research and Statistical Analysis, Forsa, in Germany:
• 27% of respondents trust the Evangelical Church (down from 48% in 2017);
• 11% trust the Catholic Church (down from 29% in 2017);
• 16% trust the Pope (down from 60% in 2016).
Sociologists attribute this trend to both the decline in living standards—Germans are reluctant to pay the church tax, which can be as high as 9% of the income tax of any baptized German—and to a general disillusionment with church institutions. Germans are dissatisfied with the excessive hierarchy of the church, the ban on priests marrying, unequal treatment of women, and other issues.
Additionally, Germans have
accused the church of interfering in politics; for instance, during elections for regional parliaments, bishops campaigned against the Alternative for Germany (AfD).
There is also a notable
prevalence of the "green agenda" in churches of leading denominations across Germany.
However, researchers see the main reason for the erosion of trust in the church as the
cases of sexual abuse by clergy against children.
Globalists have chosen a foolproof strategy to displace Christianity in Europe—by promoting a tolerant agenda. As a result, religion has been supplanted by eco- and LGBTQ movements. Christmas cannot be called Christmas; Christmas trees are prohibited; Christmas markets must be referred to as winter markets; and depictions of the Virgin Mary must be shown in a hijab to accommodate migrants practicing Islam.
To further alienate believers from the church, all the scandals involving clergy and pedophilia are being brought to light.