Ви відчуваєте незручність, коли отримуєте не зовсім позитивний відгук? Можливо, це також те, що ви хотіли б навчитися отримувати краще?
Constructive – «intended to be helpful or positive» – «конструктивний»
She gave me constructive feedback on my essay.
Criticism – «the expression of disapproval based on perceived mistakes» – «критика»
He faced criticism for his new policy.
Genuine – «real, honest, and sincere» – «щирий, справжній»
I appreciate your genuine concern about my work.
Encouragement – «the act of giving support, confidence, or hope» – «підтримка, заохочення»
A few words of encouragement can make a huge difference.
Undermine – «to weaken or damage something» – «підривати, руйнувати» Negative comments can undermine a person’s confidence.
Distinguish – «to recognize or show the difference between things» – «розрізняти»
It’s important to distinguish between constructive and destructive feedback.
Tact – «sensitivity in dealing with others or with difficult issues» – «такт, делікатність»
She handled the situation with tact and empathy.
Clarify – «to make something clear or easier to understand» – «прояснити, уточнити»
Could you clarify what you mean by ‘improvement plan’?
Ключові інсайти зі статті:
☀️Constructive criticism is better than none. Even a small amount of feedback can be valuable rather than offering no feedback at all.
☀️Pay attention to tone and approach. Choosing the right words and a gentle tone can encourage improvement, while a harsh tone might lead to a negative reaction.
☀️Focus on specifics, not personal traits. Discuss actions and outcomes rather than making judgments about someone's character.
☀️Offer solutions alongside feedback. Criticism that comes with practical recommendations for improvement is more effective than criticism alone.