Подивіться чудовий сюжет про IT ARMY на каналі "Рада". Ми за рік багато чому навчилися і багато що зробили, і так - IT ARMY of Ukraine це унікальне явище, яке будуть повторювати, але ми назавжди залишимося першою масовою волонтерською кіберармією в історії.
Watch a great story about IT ARMY on "Rada" channel. Over the course of a year, we have learned a lot and accomplished many things. IT ARMY of Ukraine is a unique phenomenon that will be replicated, but we will forever remain the first mass volunteer cyber army in history.
Watch a great story about IT ARMY on "Rada" channel. Over the course of a year, we have learned a lot and accomplished many things. IT ARMY of Ukraine is a unique phenomenon that will be replicated, but we will forever remain the first mass volunteer cyber army in history.