ProEnglish Theatre

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Category: Art

Theatre in English in Kyiv - ProEnglish Theatre of Ukraine + ProEnglish Drama School
англомовний театр ProEnglish Theatre та студія акторської майстерності англійською ProEnglish Drama School

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поновлені КО:ЛІНА

нове світло
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КО:ЛІНА, вистава за віршами Ліни Костенко + Коліна Стуса, поетвечір Василя Стуса
17.01 (пт) 19:00
приміщення Трьох Театрів (Сім'ї Бродських 3, Шулявка)

квитків трохи ще є

January 2025 TryTeatry events in English

Jan 06-31 PRIVATE STUS video poetry of Vasyl Stus poetry by servicemen (online)

Jan 07-22 KRYVTSOV poetry initiative (online) (театральна спільнота DSP + ProEnglish Theatre of Ukraine)

Jan 12 (Sun) 3pm ONCE UPON A TIME IN UKRAINE performance + filming (ProEnglish Theatre) (premises of FantaziaNew Theatre, 2 Pryozerna, Obolon)

Jan 14 (Tue) 18:30 STEPHEN KING PERFORMANCE COURSE launch with Alex Borovenskiy (ProEnglish Drama School)

Jan 14 (Tue) 6:30pm MUSICAL COURSE launch with Anabell Ramires (ProEnglish Drama School) (ProEnglish Theatre, 3 Simi Brodskykh)

Jan 18 (Sat) 6pm THREE ROOMS promenade performance (ProEnglish Theatre) (ProEnglish Theatre Hub, 3 Simi Brodskykh)

Jan 19 (Sun) 3pm ART INSIDE acting workshop for TEENS (ProEnglish Drama School) (Mystetskyi Arsenal, 10-12 Lavrska)

Jan 19 (Sun) 3pm TIMELESS teen group performance (ProEnglish Drama School) (ProEnglish Theatre Hub, 3 Simi Brodskykh)

Jan 24 (Fri) 7pm PATERSON dyvy movie club (ProEnglish Theatre) (ProEnglish Theatre Hub, 3 Simi Brodskykh)

Jan 25 (Sat) 11am IMPROV & RESILIENCE workshop with Serhii "Charismat" Velichanskyi (ProEnglish Drama School) (ProEnglish Theatre Hub, 3 Simi Brodskykh)

Jan 26 (Sun) 3pm TIMELESS teen group performance (ProEnglish Drama School) (ProEnglish Theatre Hub, 3 Simi Brodskykh)

location - mostly ProEnglish Theatre Hub at Shuliavka (3 Simi Brodskykh) might be some other venues in town - check the description

detailed information and tickets and registration are at
or contact Alex directly by +380634627124 (telegram, whatsapp)

We saw this appeal "Do Not Appease Evil" at Валерій Пекар page. Signed by more than 150 prominent Ukrainians it describes to the world WHAT will happen to the whole World if the World concede the truce between Ukraine and Russia on the current terms. It also describes WHAT we all can do.

Here's the complete text of the appeal "Do Not Appease Evil"

here's the link for the prominent Ukrainians and prominent people all over the world to sign it

the video "Do Not Appease Evil" (as read by Alex Borovenskiy) - watch it, listen to it, share it

short version of the previous video with Alex's personal impressions on the appeal and concrete steps to do - watch it

We invite translators, actors and prominent figures from all over the world to join me in translating and recording the videos of the appeal "Do Not Appease Evil" into as many languages as we can. English, German, French, Arabic, Chinese, Spanish, Portuguese, Polish, Farsi, Hindi, Japanese, Italian - for sure

Swedish, Finnish, Czech, Croatian, Urdu, Hungarian, Slovak, Yoruba and more - if we can.

Contact me directly

Alex Borovenskiy
ProEnglish Theatre of Ukraine
Theatre of War Action

Phil (Bill Murray), a weatherman, is out to cover the annual emergence of the groundhog from its hole. He gets caught in a blizzard that he didn't predict and finds himself trapped in a time warp. He is doomed to relive the same day over and over again until he gets it right.

Legendary movie that defines not only the first days after Christmas but the whole essence of human existance. Bill Murray, Andy Macdowell and a groundhog! What more could your soul desire?

Movie club experd this time: Anton
expect some deep insight into the movie creating experience and some dushnila talks. In English!

Jan 10 (Fri) 7pm
ProEnglish Theatre Hub (Kyiv, 3 Simi Brodskykh)
admission - 150UAH

"This is one time where television really fails to capture the true excitement of a large squirrel predicting the weather."
But our DyVy Movie Club will! See you there!

Maksym Kryvtsov, one of the most talented and most promising Ukrainian poets of the young generation was also a soldier. On Jan 07 last year he was killed on the front line by a russian shell. On Jan 22 it's Max's birthday.

We want to commemorate Maksym Kryvtsov's memory by starting KRYVTSOV poetry initiative. Jan 07-22 we invite actors, artists, celebrities, political figures, veterans and current servicemen record Maksym Kryvtsov's poetry IN ENGLISH and send it to us and we'll publish it at ProEnglish Theatre of Ukraine and Theatre of War Action pages.

The initiative is supported by TryTeatry, WEST Association, war veterans and current servicemen of Ukraine. We want the poetry of our comrade Maksym Kryvtsov to sound all over the world. Performers - register by the link and we'll get in touch with you regarding the poem choice, quality of the video and translations. Max... the names get shorter

Do Not Appease Evil
On January 5th, Ukrainian public figures published an open appeal to the world leaders and the international community, dedicated to the issues of ending the war in a just way and establishing a sustainable peace.

The document is signed by more than 160 persons, including human rights activists, MPs, diplomats, academics, famous artists, leaders of the largest business associations and various religious communities (Christian, Muslim and Jewish).

The appeal, entitled “Do not appease evil,” highlights the Ukrainian vision of Russia’s far-reaching subversive objectives, and depicts the positive and the negative scenarios of the war’s end that depend on the position of the world leaders and the international community.

So, you get up in the morning, slowly drag your feet to your kaptsi
with Alex Borovenskiy

There you will:
🐾 Shake off three tones of olivier from the new year
🐾Try Tadashi Suzuki acting techniques designed for oriental artists
🐾 Stomp till you drop

👟wear some comfortable training clothes. Jeans won’t do
👟Bring some warm socks to change into and work in (this workshop is barefoot and we want you to feel warm)

Footwork workshop with Alex Borovenskiy
💥Date: Sat 11:00-14:00
💥Venue: ProEnglish Tgeatre Hub (Kyiv, 3 Simyi Brodskykh, Shuliavska)
💥Admission: 500 uah
💥Registration form

Vechirniy Kyiv has published all playbill of Kyiv theatres in Jan they could find

ProEnglish Theatre playblii is also there. This month we have only 2 performances (BUT those are long awaited THREE ROOMS and ONCE UPON A TIME IN UKRAINE) and we're restoring our movie clubs in English. At least twice a month, every other Friday. This month we're showing GROUNDHOG DAY and PATERSON

Try Teatry are coming👊👊👊

LinkedIn page for Try Teatry created!

Please, LinkedIn People - follow 3T page at LinkedIn and share it to your pages with some personal commentary

Two of our performances have made it to Captain Kyiv TOP 3 of best theatre in Kyiv 2024!

direct quote:

"My Top Three theatre performances in Kyiv in 2024. Well, I watch only Theatre in English (for obvious reasons) And for obvious reasons the majority of this theatre is produced by ProEnglish Theatre of Ukraine. So here we go:

3️⃣ Wizard of Oz (KIS) (40 kids of Kyiv International School - QSI create a better musical than most state theatres could ever do, the magic of the musical was there)

2️⃣ THEATRE24 (ProEnglish Theatre of Ukraine ) the most interesting Theatre project of the year really.
4 playwrights from all over the world spent 8 hours writing brand new plays (for the topic "Three Years")
4 directors slept on the texts in Kyiv
For 8 hours they were staging these texts with a bunch of aspiring actors in the premises of ProEnglish Theatre Hub. The result was the astonishing promenade performance. Rumour has it they're going to create TWO repertoire performances out of it

1️⃣ ONCE UPON A TIME IN UKRAINE (ProEnglish Theatre) directed by Alex Borovenskiy assistant director Natalia Ponomarova actors Слава Красовська Мещерська Кіра Вероника Стрельцова Марина Бойко
well this is undoubtedly one of the most important performances of this theatre. Created from real life stories of Ukrainian refugees. Taking the audience on a Ukrainian Odyssey: evacuation train - small German town - Lviv in the first week's of invasion - Mariupol basement - Kyiv. Made as a stand up dramedy with a lot of audience engagement - this is a rare delight to see. I heard they gonna show this performance in Jan again. Don't miss it

Your Captain Kyiv

One of our most favourite info-gypsies Mark Rhodes and his book "How to talk to absolutely anyone". Enjoy the read and let's talk to absolutely anyone! Your ProEnglish Theatre

Christmas Musical Party TODAY🤩

It’s a night of the Unusual Musicals, a night when Proenglishers and friends gather togather to celebrate, to express ourselves, feel safe and silly!

The idea is to take the text that is originally not a song and to make it a Musical😮
But what happened as a result? Let’s find out together 🧐

This crazy show directed by Anabell Ramires 🧡

If you would like to attend the event as the audience, click by the link and secure your entrance
admission: 250 uah

WHEN: Dec 27th 18:00
WHERE: ProEnglish Theatre Hub (Simi Brodskykh 3)

Цієї П'ЯТНИЦІ ЗранКу!! (так, о десятій! ранку)

КРАШІ режисери театральної спільноти DSP (ми хотіли написати КРАЩІ, але вони у нас реально КРАШІ)
зберуться за БІЛИМ столом, щоби поговорити за життя , режисуру і випити какавушки з маршмеллою☕️
Рамірес! Пенюшкевич!! Боровенський!!! Пономарьова!!!! Маршмеллоу!!!!!

Спеціальний різдвяний випуск БІЛОГО Стола, знімаємо наживо🤶

ДОЄДНУЙСЯ (так! Усе бросив і приїхав мені зараз же на Сім'ї Бродських 3)

буде можливість спитати у режисера:
- а чо ти мене не взяв? АБО
- назви три причини чому Кастеллуччі так собі а ти зіронька

Для тих, хто зранку в танку - буде стрім на інстаграм каналі @dsp_theatre (отже можна буде спитати у режисера) ну і для особливих естетів @anton_photostranger красиво зніме усе на ДВІ камери (на ДВІ, Карл!) І тоді красиво змонтує для youtube канала театральної спільноти DSP

заходьте шо так, шо так. немає нічого цікавішою за те, коли режисер починає говорити, а тут їх ЧОТИРИ. Це ж квадробери якісь

#білийстіл #whitetable #dsptheatre #пенюшкевичгеній #строганаталка #зновуборовенський #анабельбусінка #квадробери

Forward from: Театрали Києва
ТЕАТРАЛИ КИЄВА закриваються!

Ми не вивозимо. Ми більше двох років вибудовували чітку, прозору і неупереджено структуру інформування киян та гостей столиці про найближчі вистави в Києві
- тематичні вибірки
- вистави буднів
- вистави вихідних
- розгорнуті пости про кожну цікаву виставу

Ми більше не можемо тягнути цю історію на голому ентузіазмі. Нам потрібна підтримка. І фінансова в тому числі.

Ми втомилися. Ми втомилися безкоштовно писати про Театри, і не отримувати від них навіть подяки, Ми втомилися вислуховувати "А чому нашу афішку не розмістили"

Ми втомилися читати свинособачу мову в коментарях і бачити, як мало змінюється країна і як мало для цього робить Театр.

Ми беремо паузу на невизначений час. Ходіть в хороші Театри.

Ваші Театрали Києва

BAD SANTA | DyVy Movie Club

He doesn't care if you're naughty or nice. Neither do we. What we care about is that you come to a special Christmas edition of DyVy Movie Club on Dec 25. We're gonna be screening BAD SANTA

cult Christmas classic about an alcoholic who has to work as a Santa Claus and he hates his job. Billy Bob Thornton couldn't do better than in BAD SANTA.

- great movie and a great discussion afterwards (all in English)
- special Christmas drinks (bar Tenderness will be working on that day)
- a special Christmas surprise from Alex, the experd of the movie club

BAD SANTA | DyVy Movie Club
Dec 25 (Wed) 7pm
ProEnglish Theatre Hub (Kyiv, 3 Simi Brodskykh)

admission - 150UAH

See you there! Ho-ho-ho

Musical Christmas party is already next Fri, Dec 27th! ❤️🎄✨

Musical Christmas is a night of the Unusual Musicals, a night when Proenglishers and friends gather together to celebrate, to express ourselves, feel safe and silly!

Do you know you can take part both as audience and the performer?🤩

Actors who want to perform, contact Anabell (@anabellsotelo) to develop all the ideas 😉

And here register to join us as audience 🎶

And if you want to receive the gift during the party, text Anabell “Secret Santa” and she’ll share all the information 💕 Preferably today, 22.12, so there is time to look for the best gift ✨

Forward from: DyVy Movie Club
Our programme for 3 months!
Dec Jan Feb

Watch only the good movies! Mark your calendars for DyVy Movie Club😏

In memory of Mariupol


I am a poet who writes invisible verses
for my murdered readers

I am standing and reading my new poetry on the stage
of the Mariupol drama theater,
completely destroyed
by the russian missile strike

I am standing on the stage that
no longer exists
it’s not a stage - it’s a mass grave,
under it

buried alive, lie thousands of
men, women, and their children -

the dead, the living, and the unborn

War is the orchestra pit of poetry
And its invisible art resonates
piercing us all with shrapnel
tearing up the bodies of books and the humans who read them

the art of war resonates so loud
no applause could drown it

The music of the art of war
comes from the russian tanks and artillery throats

and my Ukrainian poetry
is a mere song of despair that aspires to be louder
than the explosions of their empire

louder than the threnoses of the massacre
louder than the silence of the dead
louder than the numbness of the living

My poetry aspires to be
louder than the sympathies of the safe world
louder than the silences of citizens in the peaceful continents
where there have been no war for centuries

louder than the quietude of those looking at us from the other side of the border
those enjoying safety on the other side of freedom and looking
at a lost poet who is reading verses on the bombed-out stage
in a city that no longer exists
but is still marked on the maps of the world that is also gone for good now -
all the planet has perished
all the planet has perished in my country -
under the russian air bombs

to the last drop

You are the spectators looking at the stage of the drama theater
in the city of Mariupol
from under the stage, the choir of thousands buried alive in rubble is singing
you are listening to the voices of those I speak common blood language with -
I wear my soul with
I talk my pain through

and you think:
this is the poetry
this is the entertainment
this is a toy one can play with even then
when it is lying in a puddle of blood in the square
of a bombed-out railway station - that was
the only hope to survive

I am standing and reading my new poetry on the stage
of the Mariupol drama theater,
but these are no longer verses

This is the manifestation of a black symphony of genocide
coming through the voice of a Ukrainian poet

It’s the only poetry that can resonate
from the orchestra pit of war

To later be covered in the ashes of silence
Original (in Ukrainian):

(c) Olrna Herasymyuk

"I no longer want it all,
just some comfort
and some sex
and only a minor

now I'm waiting again
and the years run thin.
I have my radio
and the kitchen walls
are yellow.
I keep dumping bottles
and listening
for footsteps.

I hope that death contains
less than this."

~ Bukowski

20 last posts shown.