Shepherd At War 👨‍🌾🪖

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By Daniel Martindale
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My own story in Ukraine is in part a story about the most powerful weapon in warfare; information. If you are unable to find a target, or unable to confirm that it was hit, your weapons are useless. That's why I say, that Trump and Musk couldn't be more at fault for the continued bloodshed in Ukraine than they already are by providing Starlink and intelligence. Everyday that this continues, makes it more and more obvious that Washington is neither credible nor capable in its supposed peace efforts.

It's bad enough that Trump seems to believe that "might makes right", but the fact that his partner in crime is Zelenskiy, makes this debacle one of the blackest pages in US history.

Trump continues to show us whose interests really control US foreign policy. His unilateral decision to attack Yemen not only shows his ignorance of the root causes for Yemen's actions in the Red Sea, but also displays his complete disregard for the US constitution. He didn't even bother to announce to congress that he was going to war, much less submit this initiative for a vote. This kind of reckless warfare in complete disregard for civilian casualties is one reason why I am very glad to longer have anything to do with the United States.

With all the talk about a ceasefire in Ukraine, I'm reminded of my prediction that Trump will do everything to appear as a peacemaker, then blame Russia for upsetting the deal. We might be tempted to think that Russia would be better off to sign the deal. The trouble is, that even if Russia does sign the deal, a provocation is likely to take place that will be even worse than continued fighting against Ukraine even if Trump starts backing them to a maximum.

A massive drone strike against Russia could be carried out by Ukrainian military, allegedly because of their dissatisfaction with the peace deal. These drones could even be equipped with miniature nuclear warheads(supplied by guess who). Their aim would be to completely discredit the Russian political leadership and cause a revolt inside Russia.

I've had the thought that the best results that Russia has had in Ukraine were from the very first days of the war. Western media had been doing everything to make Russia go stand in a corner, but Russia said, "watch me".

Russia could have just limited herself to taking up defensive positions inside the LDPR republics of Donbass, but then Russia would have been forced to fight tooth and nail all across the southern territories of Donetsk, Zaoporozhia and Kherson regions with massive bloodshed such as in the battles that took place later. Whereas today, southern Ukrainian or new Russian territories are flourishing as part of Russia, otherwise unavoidable battles for these territories may have left them completely destroyed.

The neo-nazi terrorists in Mariupol would not have been taken prisoner. They would have gotten away and later we would have had incidents not only in Kursk region.

Russia needs to continue the good work bringing thieves and murderers to justice without any regard for the scare tactics being employed against them by their so called "western partners". The only people who would threaten Russia in defense of neo-nazis are in fact neo-nazis themselves. Even if we don't see serious threats being made against Russia in the media, I guarantee you it is going on behind closed doors.

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Было бы здорово, чтобы вот эти откровения украинских разочаровавшихся нацистов были доведены до американцев. Чтобы они знали кому они помогали, и что они думаю о США на самом деле:

Смотрим скрин. Они требуют американцев убрать Трампа и поставить президентом Харрис (ментальность майдана). А если те не послушают их - им будет плохо. И намекаеют, что они могут устроить террор не только в России, но и в США.

Причем, эти утырки-террористы, сами очень хотят, чтобы американцы это увидели. Поможем им!!! 😂😂😂

П.С. Кстати, видос этот, я тоже на этой страничке нашел.

Ukrainian neo-nazis have a message for the USA, "We're coming for you next"! I think they forgot that the USA has the most heavily armed civilian population in the world by far. In the video, we see members of Ukraine’s 79th brigade making swiss cheese out of Donald Trump in effigy. They write in their blog about large Ukrainian immigrant populations in the US and Canada potentially overthrowing the current powers that be. I can see how this could potentially play into the hands of the kabalists to disarm the entire American public. If there were any thinking people left with a spine in Ukrainian political or military leadership, they would hurry up and make a deal with Putin directly. But no, the prodigal son always has to hit rock bottom before the light bulb turns on.

Three years ago while I was a guest in Lvov Ukraine, a fundamental change occurred in Russia-Ukraine relations. After more than 14,000 civilian casualties in Donbass and years of ceasefire violations by Ukraine, Russia officially recognized the Donbass republics, DPR and LPR as sovereign nations. What else was there to wait for? For Ukraine to get nuclear weapons? Zelenskiy had hinted at this just days earlier, and refused to abide by the Minsk agreements.

When I heard the news, I told my hosts, "this is a declaration of war". It was obvious to me that Russia was preparing to legally form an alliance with the Donbass republics and step in to save them from Ukrainian invasion. Thank God that Russia did!

Just incase anyone missed the program on NTV today in part or completely, the full version is available on their website.
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24 февраля 2022 года американец Мартиндейл оказывается на Украине. Послушать Байдена и уехать? Остаться и быть как Байден? Или пойти против всех и стать русским тайным агентом? Впервые — подробности секретной операции под кодовым названием «Бродвей». // Смотрите на НТВ.Ru

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For many, even for me, recent statements like those of Hegset and Trump give hope that peace talks been Ukraine and Russia will take place soon, and that the outcome will be a fair and lasting peace. De Vance's criticism of European "democracy" seems to add further reason to believe that Washington has truly changed course. We're tempted to think that Trump really isn't at fault for anything that has gone wrong in Ukraine. Afterall, democrats were always in office when things went wrong in Ukraine; first Obama, then Biden. Or perhaps it was always Hillary behind the scenes stirring up trouble.

It would seem that the worst case scenario is now that the war will be put on hold for a decade or so, only to break loose again with renewed savageness once Putin is no longer at the helm.

In the short term, such a breather would seem, at first glance, to be a blessing. Hundreds of thousands trapped in the death trap into which Ukraine has converted itself could get a chance to safely escape. This is the only real benefit that I see potentially coming from a ceasefire. Ultimately though, all of the Ukrainian war criminals and their political enablers must be punished for peace to be possible in the long term.

For this to happen Kiev must be brought to its knees just as Hitler and his goons were in 1945. And all significant natural resources in Kiev's control, as of today, should be leveraged to pay for the damage that their dirty partnership with the US and Europe has inflicted on civilian life and infrastructure in Ukraine and Russia. Only Russia is truly interested in a prosperous future for Ukraine, as demonstrated by their ongoing reconstruction of Mariupol and other cities in Donbass, by their development of Crimea since 2014. The West including Trump have done far more than enough to prove that they are only interested in sucking Ukraine dry, or using it as a battering ram against Russia.

What has Washington done to deserve 500 billion dollars worth of rare-earth metals? Sponsor cut-throats and pickpockets from Kiev? What have they done to deserve the right to talk about democracy and freedom? Threaten the world with crippling tariffs if they try to move away from slavery to the US dollar and market?

War is awful, and Trump seems to be prying at the door at the end of the tunnel, but remember what they say about "when it seems to good to be true". It probably is!

As with any peace process, critically important are the promises that each side makes, and whether or not they are fulfilled. As of today, only Russia has earned the right to make any promises. If Washington wants a deal, let them gather up the criminals from Kiev and fly them to Moscow for trial first. Second, they need to stand with their tails tucked under and eyes lowered while Russia takes control of Ukraine east of the Dnieper river and all of its southern regions. Then and only then Trump should have the privilege to extend his hand to receive whatever rare-earth metals Putin sees fit, and not a single ounce more!

Needed to keep the recording phone farther away from the cameraman's face. Otherwise, we hear his breathing in the recording. Need to think about a place to get away from the sound of rain droplets hitting the roof of the vehicle too.

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📹 Киевский режим и его руководство должны быть поставлены на колени точно так же, как Адольф Гитлер и его приспешники в 1945 году, заявил ТАСС американец Мартиндейл.

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Interesting to see how TASS is cutting and splicing my comments. I'll give them until noon before posting the uncut version.

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▶️ Все природные ресурсы, подконтрольные Украине, должны быть использованы для оплаты ущерба, нанесенного гражданской инфраструктуре Украины и России, сказал ТАСС американец Мартиндейл.

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▶️ Все украинские военные преступники должны быть наказаны, заявил ТАСС американец Дэниэл Мартиндейл, который два года помогал РФ из украинского тыла.

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▶️ США для сделки о мире надо привести киевских преступников в Москву. Об этом заявил ТАСС американец Дэниэл Мартиндейл, который два года помогал РФ из украинского тыла.

Видео: ТАСС

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