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🤷 Zelensky demonstrated his strength and resolved the issue.

It was not in vain that Usik once gave Zelensky a championship belt

Would you like to ask Sibiga to start implementing the Constitution and provide consulting services to other Ukrainians?

🇵🇱⚡️🇺🇦 Another scandal involving the Poles.

In Krakow airport, Usyk was handcuffed.

Georgiy Tikhiy, spokesperson for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, stated that "the Ukrainian side categorically rejects the treatment of its citizen and champion as shown in the video."

"By order of Minister Andriy Sibiga, the Ukrainian Consul General in Krakow has urgently gone to the airport to clarify the circumstances of the situation," the ministry representative announced.

It was also noted that Minister Sibiga has already contacted his Polish counterpart to "immediately resolve this situation."

"The Minister has also instructed the Consul General to express protest and outrage over such treatment," Tikhiy reported.

According to Sky News Arabia, the Mossad had preemptively planted explosives in Hezbollah's pagers.

Reports indicate that the devices were rigged with PETN (pentaerythritol tetranitrate) — a white crystalline powder sensitive to heat and friction. This allowed for remote overheating and detonation of the lithium batteries within the devices.

Each unit contained 20 grams of explosives. Hezbollah had put these devices into operation five months ago.

Source: https://t.me/first_political/78380

🇬🇪❌🏳️‍🌈 The Georgian Parliament has adopted a package of 19 bills titled "On Family Values and Protection of Minors" in its third and final reading, concerning the "ban on LGBT propaganda" and gender transition.

The bill was unanimously supported by 84 deputies, while the opposition boycotted the vote.

The ruling party, "Georgian Dream," has also initiated amendments to the country’s Constitution.

The new legislation will introduce:
❌ a ban on same-sex marriages – registration of "any relationships alternative to marriage" between a man and a woman,
❌ a ban on same-sex couples raising children,
❌ a ban on medical interventions for gender transition,
#️⃣ with criminal penalties ranging from 1 to 4 years in prison;
❌ a ban on "propaganda of same-sex relationships and incest" in works of art,
❌ restrictions on "propaganda" and "promotion" of LGBT in schools and media,
censorship and prohibition of demonstrations in support of LGBT,
#️⃣ with fines up to $1,400 and even imprisonment for up to 2 years;
👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 an official Day of Family Sanctity and Parental Respect – May 17.

The package of bills still requires the signature of the President of Georgia, who is expected to veto it, although the Parliament is likely to override this veto. Following this, the laws will be published on the "Legislative Bulletin of Georgia" website and will come into effect.

In response to these legislative initiatives, the EU has already warned that relations between Tbilisi and Brussels will become "even more strained," as Georgia's EU accession process is already "effectively stalled" following the adoption of the "foreign agents" law (which is essentially identical to the American version).

Additionally, the ruling party "Georgian Dream" is laying the groundwork for the reintegration of Abkhazia and South Ossetia through statements urging Georgians to reconcile with these regions.

The Georgian people have found the strength to persistently follow their path, refusing to bend to foreign policies and worldviews in the name of Eurointegration.

🕊🕊 Bloomberg: The West is discussing the possibility of ending the war in Ukraine next year through negotiations, according to sources cited by Bloomberg.

A negotiation to end the fighting would have to resolve a key conundrum: how to ensure that Ukraine won’t be vulnerable to a future Russian attack while reassuring its allies that they won’t be dragged into a direct conflict with the Kremlin. The latter concern is a major reason why several allies have so far been cautious about allowing the use of the long-range weapons they provide in Russia and the possibility of Ukraine becoming part of NATO - with its security guarantee - anytime soon.

As it is said "have it both ways"

Some allies believe that the time between the November US election and next January’s presidential inauguration may provide a window of opportunity during which the outgoing Biden administration may have more political leeway to make a deal.

This is precisely what Zelensky aims to leverage in order to push his plan ☝🏻

Zelensky quarreled with Polish Foreign Minister Sikorski during his visit to Kyiv on Friday, according to the Polish portal Onet.

"According to participants in the conversation, the atmosphere between Zelensky and Sikorski was extremely tense, to the point that one could describe it as a quarrel. Sources from Onet indicate that the Polish delegation seemed at least surprised by the manner in which Zelensky attempted to engage with the Polish foreign minister," wrote journalist, publicist, and former Polish diplomat Witold Jurasz.

Lithuanian Foreign Minister Gabrielius Landsbergis was also present at the meeting.

Zelensky immediately accused Poland of not supporting Ukraine in its negotiations for EU membership. Sikorski responded that Poland took a decade to join, and the timeline proposed by Zelensky's Office was "unrealistic."

The president then stated that Warsaw should provide Ukraine with more military equipment and intercept missiles and drones over Ukrainian territory. Sikorski countered that this would be impossible without NATO's decision.

Zelensky further claimed that Poland was inflating the issue of the Volhynian tragedy for domestic political reasons and should refrain from raising it. Sikorski called for the exhumation of victims for dignified reburial.

"At one point, the atmosphere was so bad that it could even be described as a confrontation. The Lithuanian delegation did not attempt to support the Polish minister," the article states.

It is worth noting that recently Sikorski threatened Ukraine with "tougher measures" if it did not "find a solution" regarding the Volhynian tragedy.

He also called for the cancellation of payments to Ukrainians in Europe to encourage their return home to fight.

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🇱🇧 That's now happening in the Lebanon hospitals

Iranian ambassador reportedly injured

🇮🇱⚡️🇱🇧 In Lebanon, hundreds of men have been injured following explosions of their pagers, which they use for internal communication.

Reports indicate around 1,200 injured individuals.

Videos are circulating showing devices exploding on the belts of men in public places.

Hospitals across the country are overwhelmed with casualties.

This incident is likely linked to an Israeli operation against Hezbollah, which uses pagers for internal communication.

So far, Israel has not made any statements regarding its involvement in this operation.

It’s unlikely that such a large-scale operation will bring anything positive to the region.

🇺🇦 Politico: Zaluzhny opposed an offensive into Russian territory when Zelenskyy first broached the offensive earlier this year and pushed for it.

The then-commander-in-chief asked the president what the next steps would be if they breached the border and established a lodgement.

"Zaluzhny queried: once you have the bridgehead, what then? He never got a clear answer from Zelenskyy. He felt it was a gamble”, the article noted.

Strategic thinking has never been a strong suit of the Office. Those who ask uncomfortable questions (like “what then?”) are simply dismissed. The focus is on maintaining the momentum of the early days.

Interestingly, Politico seems to continue its critique of Zelenskyy through Zaluzhny, shaping the latter's image as a strategist.

🇨🇿💰🇺🇦 "Ukrainians in the Czech Republic are an asset, not a burden": The Czech Republic earned 4.4 billion crowns from Ukrainian refugees in six months

In the first half of 2024, 7.3 billion crowns were allocated for humanitarian aid to refugees from Ukraine. Meanwhile, working Ukrainians contributed 11.7 billion crowns to the Czech budget. This means that Ukrainians have added 4.4 billion crowns to the Czech state budget.

Currently, about 25% of all refugees are receiving assistance, with adult benefits amounting to 4,860 crowns (approximately $215) and 3,490 crowns ($155) for children, along with housing support. There are a total of 345,000 Ukrainians in the country, primarily women and children.

The Czech Republic has extended temporary protection until April 2025 (a decision made by the EU Council, applicable to all EU member states). Refugees have access to public health insurance, education, and the labor market.

The Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs stated that expenses for humanitarian aid are regularly decreasing while revenues are increasing. This indicates that the Czech government has effectively structured its policies regarding our citizens, a significant number of whom are employed.

As we anticipated, Europe is very interested in our compatriots: mainly educated, hard-working individuals of young productive age with children, addressing both demographic challenges and labor shortages.

Meanwhile, Ukraine continues to lose hundreds of thousands of its citizens amid ongoing conflict, escalating the decline of its economy and job market, and degrading its healthcare and education systems.

Even Olaf Scholz has traveled to Uzbekistan to address not only energy resources but also Germany's labor migration issues from Central Asia. Where will the Ukrainian government source labor migrants from in the future?

The longer the war lasts, the less chance there is of bringing our compatriots back home 🧩

🔥 A Million Dead and Injured

The Wall Street Journal: "One million are now dead or injured in the Russia-Ukraine war."

Recently, our team discussed this topic and reached a similar conclusion: the casualties of the war have surpassed a million for both sides‼️

Meanwhile, in Ukraine, people publicly continue to believe in Zelensky, who insists on a figure of 30,000 dead.

One might ask:

🤷 Where did the 400,000 volunteers who came in the first months go, considering our ongoing mobilization?

🤷 Why are there new cemeteries spanning hundreds of hectares around cities?

🤷 How can such low casualty figures be maintained with a shelling ratio of 1 to 10 and the presence of guided bombs in the Russian Armed Forces?

And now, the main takeaway from The Wall Street Journal for hawks on both sides: in the long term, the consequences will be "devastating" for both countries, which already had demographic issues before the war‼️

🇪🇺💰🇺🇦 Orban and Money for Ukraine

The plan to allocate aid to Ukraine from frozen Russian assets has "failed," so the EU is preparing to provide Ukraine with €20-40 billion in new loans by the end of the year, regardless of U.S. involvement.

Somewhere, Trump is applauding‼️

Hungary is blocking the idea of using Russian assets, as it can veto the necessary guarantees for a prolonged freeze of those assets.

On the other hand, allocating new loans will only require a majority vote, not unanimity, which removes Budapest's veto power.

Can you see the beauty of Orban's game? He is in a perfect position that allows him to cater to both Putin and Trump. Plus, the more Europe pays through supranational EU institutions, the more Orban criticizes them from within the EU☝🏻

🤷‍♂️No Agreement Reached

The joint press conference between Tokayev and Scholz was canceled at Kazakhstan's initiative shortly before it was scheduled to begin, according to DPA.

Scholz traveled to Central Asia to discuss security, energy resources, and migration issues relevant to the German economy. However, he encountered Tokayev's statements emphasizing the need to end the war through diplomatic means, suggesting that the Istanbul agreements were a viable option.

⚡️🇺🇦 The Ballad of Bureaucracy❗️❗️

In early February, Zelensky issued a decree instructing the Cabinet of Ministers to establish Drone Forces within the Armed Forces of Ukraine as a separate branch of military service.

By the end of spring, the Cabinet adopted the corresponding resolution.

In late summer, the Rada passed the relevant law.

It was only today that Zelensky signed it.

However, in reality, the Drone Forces in the Armed Forces will not be fully operational for another three months.

This means that for seven months, the authorities have been creating legislative norms on paper for the functioning of this new branch of military service.

But why should we rush when there’s Ze-mobilization?

Meanwhile, for all seven months, everyone has been hearing about the functioning of this new branch on airwaves‼️

🇩🇪 Central Asia

Germany is beginning its expansion into Central Asia.

Chancellor Olaf Scholz has visited the region for the first time. He started his trip in Uzbekistan and then traveled to Kazakhstan, where he will meet with Presidents Tokayev, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, and Turkmenistan.

One of the goals of this visit is to address the labor shortage in Germany by attracting migrant workers.

Another aim is to replace Russian raw material contracts. Germany seeks to substitute some of these contracts with those from Central Asian countries.

The third and most important goal is security. On behalf of the EU, Germany wants to take a more significant position in the region. Local Asian elites view the EU as a counterbalance to China and Russia. They are interested in establishing a balance of power between the US and EU on one side, and China and Russia on the other.

Currently, Western non-profit organisations, including the Adenauer Foundation, are well-established in the region.

Here are the signs again...

An earthquake measuring 5.5 on the Richter scale struck the Republic of Moldova right during President Maia Sandu's speech.

Many experts consider the Republic of Moldova and Transnistria to be potential hotspots for the next military crisis. One theory suggests that Zelensky may attempt to reclaim Transnistria for Sandu as a means to prolong the ongoing conflict.

Source: https://t.me/spletnicca/16286

🤦‍♂️🇩🇪 Russian emigration continues to surprise, just like the German press.

Mikhail Zygar, in an article for Der Spiegel, claims that Putin traveled to Mongolia to consult shamans for approval to use nuclear weapons.

It’s said that without the shamans' consent, Putin was hesitant to make a decision regarding "the nuclear option" out of fear of angering the spirits, but now he has "returned from Mongolia satisfied."

There’s an entire article in Der Spiegel detailing these shamanic rituals, like blood baths and so on, written by a once-prominent journalist. To avoid harsh criticism, Zygar repeatedly states that these are merely rumors circulating in Moscow. We checked with sources from Russia; there’s nothing of the sort even close to the truth.

It’s a postmodern tactic… you write nonsense and get paid for it.

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🦅🇺🇸🕊 Trump’s Peace Plan Ambassador, or Graham’s Change of Heart

The last person I would listen to about ending the war are Biden and Obama. In 2014 they had an end of the war in Ukraine that led to another invasion,” said Lindsey Graham.

“Trump is right to want to end the war in a way that doesn’t start a new war.

He will end the war in Ukraine to prevent a third world conflict. He’ll do it in a way that doesn’t touch China to invade Taiwan. Biden has no plan for ending the war.

We need a president who can get Putin and Zelensky to the negotiating table to avoid a new war. Someone who can rein in Iran before they develop nuclear weapons. Someone who will secure our borders and reform immigration policy.

Otherwise, Putin will continue his march across Europe. It’s now time to change course and change people, to bring Trump back into power, because when he was president, nothing like this was happening.”

With funding from the President's Office, Lindsey Graham comes to us and confidently claims that killing Russians in Ukraine is “the best use of American money.” He urges Biden to expedite sending ATACMS to Ukraine, promising that Ukraine “could become the best business partner the West has ever dreamed of,” demonstrating an “unyielding stance” and uncompromising support until the last Ukrainian victory.

But it turns out that Lindsey Graham actually believes it’s time to change course and leadership, to bring Trump back into power so he can sit Putin and Zelensky down at the negotiating table and end the war.

🔥 Frontline

Recent changes on the frontline have been tactical in nature.

In the Kursk region, Russian Armed Forces have launched a counteroffensive along the border from the Glushkovsky district. Initially, it was successful. However, Ukrainian forces struck the flank of the advancing troops from Ukraine, capturing three settlements.

In the Kupiansk direction, near Pyschany, Russian Armed Forces continue to advance towards the Oskol River. Currently, they are just 5 kilometers away, after which the Ukrainian group in this area will be split in two, complicating the defense of Kupiansk.

Near Chasiv Yar, Russian advances are minimal.

In the Selydivka direction, Russian forces are gradually pushing north of the city and into Ukrainka. The city is almost entirely captured, but the key position— Mine "Ukraina"—is the site of fierce fighting.

The situation in the Ugledar direction is similar. Russian forces are trying to break through from the east to complicate the city's logistics. Footage of the explosion at the South Donbas Mine 3 has been shared online. It is just 4 kilometers from there to the road supplying Ugledar.

🤷 Odessa

Two guys were sitting on a bench. The bus driver, along with some police officers, spotted them and approached, eager for fresh prey. In his excitement, he didn’t notice the car on the left trying to overtake. The guys jumped up, startled by the near miss, but in reality, the close call saved them…

It could be rephrased that an unknown hero suddenly intervened at the last moment, positioning himself between the officers and the potential victims.

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