💡Добірка корисних ідіоматичних фраз, які складаються з двох слів. Part 1
📍Part and parcel — невід’ємна частина чогось:
“Stress is part and parcel of the job.”
📍By trial and error — методом проб і помилок:
“Students learn by trial and error.”
📍Odds and ends — різні дрібниці, всяка всячина: “I took most of the things to the new house, but there are a few odds and ends left to pick up.”
📍Doom and gloom — безнадія: “The newspaper are always fill of doom and gloom these days.”
📍On pins and needles — як на голках (дуже хвилюватися): “He was on pins and needles, waiting for the test results.”
📍Part and parcel — невід’ємна частина чогось:
“Stress is part and parcel of the job.”
📍By trial and error — методом проб і помилок:
“Students learn by trial and error.”
📍Odds and ends — різні дрібниці, всяка всячина: “I took most of the things to the new house, but there are a few odds and ends left to pick up.”
📍Doom and gloom — безнадія: “The newspaper are always fill of doom and gloom these days.”
📍On pins and needles — як на голках (дуже хвилюватися): “He was on pins and needles, waiting for the test results.”