How to Describe Symptoms in an Emergency 🚑
Sharp pain /ʃɑːrp peɪn/ різкий, гострий біль
I feel sharp pain in my chest.
Dizziness /ˈdɪz.i.nəs/ запаморочення
She is feeling dizzy and might faint.
Shortness of breath /ˈʃɔːtnəs ʌv brɛθ/ задишка
He has shortness of breath after climbing the stairs
Nausea /ˈnɔːz.jə/ — нудота
I feel nauseous and need to lie down.
Fainting /ˈfeɪntɪŋ/ втрата свідомості
She fainted after the accident.
Numbness /ˈnʌm.nəs/ оніміння
He has numbness in his hand after the injury.
Blurred vision /blɜːrd ˈvɪʒ.ən/ розмитий зір, помутніння зору
She’s complaining of blurred vision.
Severe headache /sɪˈvɪə ˈhɛd.eɪk/ сильний головний біль
I have a severe headache and can’t focus
High fever /haɪ ˈfiːvər/ висока температура
He has a high fever and chills.
Rash /ræʃ/ висип
She has a rash on her arms after the bite.