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Kanal geosi va tili: Ukraina, Ukraincha
Toifa: Dizayn

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Kanal geosi va tili
Ukraina, Ukraincha
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Bourbon St Regular

Designed by Andrei Robu

Font Quality Capcay Black

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The soul suffers when the body is diseased or traumatized, while the body suffers when the soul is ailing.

FONT: Neonderthaw
Designed by Robert Leuschke

👉🏽 @fonts_google

No one who desires to become good will become good unless he does good things.

FONT: Abril Fatface
Designed by TypeTogether

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A grateful mind is a great mind which eventually attracts to itself great things. ©Plato

FONT: Abhaya Libre
Designed by Mooniak

👉🏽 @fonts_google

The mass of mankind are evidently slavish in their tastes, preferring a life suitable to beasts. ©Aristotle

FONT: Special Elite
Designed by Astigmatic

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Happiness is a perfume you cannot pour on others without getting some on yourself. ©Ralph Waldo Emerson

FONT: Aclonica
Designed by Astigmatic

👉🏽 @fonts_google

The world makes way for the man who knows where he is going. ©Ralph Waldo Emerson

FONT: Roboto Slab
Designed by Christian Robertson


Brave people don't live forever, but cautious people don't live at all. ©Richard Branson

FONT: Playfair Display
Designed by Claus Eggers Sørensen


Please be polite. Nothing in life should erode the habit of saying thank you to people or praising them. ©Richard Branson

FONT: Ultra
Designed by Astigmatic


A good leader leads from the front. Don't get stuck in the office. Get out, meet people and listen to their stories. ©Richard Branson

FONT: Great Vibes
Designed by Robert Leuschke


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