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Дізнаємось сьогодні про таке явище як pretty privilege — «привілеї краси» у статті від Forbes:
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Дізнаємось сьогодні про таке явище як pretty privilege — «привілеї краси» у статті від Forbes:
In a world that remains highly fixated on outward appearances👱🏻♀️, the phenomenon of "pretty privilege" awards 🏆significant societal advantages to individuals deemed conventionally🎀 attractive. A 2021 study examined the stereotype that “beauty is good” and found that attractive individuals were ✨perceived to have more moral ☝🏻traits than unattractive individuals.
Research also shows that attractive individuals are thought to be more 💯trustworthy than others.These assumptions💭 are likely based on the “halo effect,” wherein⤵️ someone who is perceived positively in one aspect is assumed to possess🤲🏻 other positive qualities as well. Ultimately, understanding the 🗡double-edged nature of pretty privilege is a crucial step towards fostering👩🏼🍼 a society that values individuals for their character and abilities rather than 🪞aesthetics.
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