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🧑‍💻 Over the past few years, our moderation team has been working tirelessly to keep Telegram safe. Each month they removed about 1 million channels and groups, along with over 10 million users who violated our rules. These impressive results were made possible thanks to your reports, as well as our automated detection systems and AI-powered tools 😵

🤫 However, much of this work remained behind the scenes. The public wasn’t fully aware of the extent of our moderation efforts, and media outlets often relied on outdated information from parts of our website that hadn’t been updated in a decade 🕷

🖥 To address this, we’ve launched a new section on our website: This page highlights the incredible work our moderators have done over the years and offers a transparent overview of our ongoing commitment to keeping Telegram safe 🧹


добавили коллажи 🙂

я так понимаю ты берешь эту ссылку, кидаешь ее всем кому попало, и те кто потратил звёзды в этом mini app, тогда ты получишь 20% от их трат???

в новой бете 11.5 добавили нечто

даже для премиум. пиздец.

анонимность ☠️

и даже для покупки юзерок надо теперь кус)))))))

разница в 9 лет

1k 1 16 2 13

Du Rove's Channel dan repost
💰 Ten days ago, a developer launched a mini app that has already generated $500,000 in revenue. He built it in just two days during the time off from his main job.

🖌 Without a team or marketing budget, he single-handedly implemented everything — design, concept, client-side code, and server-side code. Inspired by my own solo journey when I created VK in 2006, he tackled every element himself.

📈 Thanks to its brilliant concept and minimalist design, his mini app went viral. For the past ten days, it’s ranked in the Top 4 grossing mini apps on Telegram. This is the power of hard work, determination, and the Telegram mini app platform! #️⃣

Du Rove's Channel dan repost
🔜 Telegram is about to introduce 10 new features for Mini Apps, enabling developers to create dozens of new kinds of apps and games on Telegram.

📺 Full-Screen Mode
📱 Home Screen Shortcuts
✍️ Subscription Plans
📍 Geolocation Access (with permissions)
📱 Device Orientation Data
💤 Emoji Status Access
🎨 Media Sharing
🎁 Sending Gifts
💭 Expanded Messaging Limits
💰 Ad Monetization

▶️ The last two items are already live with the remaining features launching within 2-4 weeks. Get your Mini Apps ready! 🚀

🎵 TikTok soon...

Du Rove's Channel dan repost
👀 Big day today — Telegram has taken its first step toward becoming a video platform 📺

🤬 Until now, videos in channels were displayed in exactly the same format they were uploaded, often requiring users to wait and download gigabytes just to watch a short clip ☹️

▶️ With today’s update, however, Telegram servers will compress popular videos into multiple quality options and optimize them for streaming. Now, when you watch a video, Telegram automatically selects the most suitable quality based on your connection speed ⚙️

👏 As a result, watching videos on Telegram is now a far smoother experience! Our October update includes more features that redefine messaging — but I’ll let you fully focus on (spooky) videos this Halloween 🎃

17 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.