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i’m just testing)

A small usage report for my emoji packs

Небольшой отчет по статистике использования моих эмодзи паков

New Emoji Pack

Новый Эмоджи Пак


@Stickers dan repost
Stats for the emoji set ToookT by @makenotes:

Usage today: 1755
Installed today: 62
Removed today: 1

Usage yesterday: 1824
Installed yesterday: 60
Removed yesterday: 5

Total usage: 364865
Total installed: 15000
Total removed: 608

To get stats for a particular day, month or year, send me a message in the format MM/DD/YYYY, MM/YYYY or YYYY.

Thanks for 15k installs 👋

New sticker for dodotup

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish

Этот 👇 стикер был удален из сиикер пакка

This 👇 sticker has been deleted from this sticker pack

it will stop being available to Telegram users within an hour.

Добавлены пару новых эмодзи в этот пакк: 🙂🙁🚫✔️

Added some new emoji to this pack: 🙂🙁🚫✔️


Video Emoji: bear & goose by @vit1k0


Video Emoji: смешарики by @vit1k0


Video Emoji: tele_vid by @vit1k0


Static Emoji: tele_tup by @vit1k0

20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.

1 499

Kanal statistikasi