🇨🇦 Унікальна можливість в Канаді саме для українських студентів! 🇨🇦
A unique opportunity in Canada targeted at Ukrainian students specifically!
Scalable 2D-Materials Architectures (2D-MATURE): student training partnership between Waterloo Institute for Nanotechnology (WIN) at University of Waterloo — best engineering & technology university in Canada — and University of Duisburg-Essen (Germany).
🎓 Positions: PhDs and Master's with primary studies in Canada and a temporary stay in Germany
🧬 Advisors (see links for details on research fields — all of them are interdisciplinary)
Prof. Na Young Kim (Electrical Engineering),
Prof. Mike Pope (Chemical Engineering),
Prof. German Sciaini (Chemistry),
Prof. William Wong (Electrical Engineering)
🕔 Program start: May 1, 2023
✅Application procedure:
1. Email the desired professors, indicating interest in 2D-Mature. Include a brief motivation and a CV.
2. Have an interview with the professor(s), if applicable
3. File a formal application for the desired graduate program, as instructed
🔜 Application deadline: As Soon As Possible. Formal application should be finalized until December 25, 2022
🎶 Notes:
— Engineering students will obtain a Professional Engineer Certificate, relevant for employment in Canada after graduation
— Visa application in Canada is very simple for Ukrainians now, but this will end in a few months
— Admin is now in Waterloo and has this information from his personal connection 😉
🌐 There's a desperate need in students for this program, so please spread among your fellow Ukrainians!!!
A unique opportunity in Canada targeted at Ukrainian students specifically!
Scalable 2D-Materials Architectures (2D-MATURE): student training partnership between Waterloo Institute for Nanotechnology (WIN) at University of Waterloo — best engineering & technology university in Canada — and University of Duisburg-Essen (Germany).
🎓 Positions: PhDs and Master's with primary studies in Canada and a temporary stay in Germany
🧬 Advisors (see links for details on research fields — all of them are interdisciplinary)
Prof. Na Young Kim (Electrical Engineering),
Prof. Mike Pope (Chemical Engineering),
Prof. German Sciaini (Chemistry),
Prof. William Wong (Electrical Engineering)
🕔 Program start: May 1, 2023
✅Application procedure:
1. Email the desired professors, indicating interest in 2D-Mature. Include a brief motivation and a CV.
2. Have an interview with the professor(s), if applicable
3. File a formal application for the desired graduate program, as instructed
🔜 Application deadline: As Soon As Possible. Formal application should be finalized until December 25, 2022
🎶 Notes:
— Engineering students will obtain a Professional Engineer Certificate, relevant for employment in Canada after graduation
— Visa application in Canada is very simple for Ukrainians now, but this will end in a few months
— Admin is now in Waterloo and has this information from his personal connection 😉
🌐 There's a desperate need in students for this program, so please spread among your fellow Ukrainians!!!